Youth Shaped Team

What is Youth Shaped? Why does it matter?

'Youth Shaped' is all about young people working together with volunteers to shape, influence, and lead their Scouts adventure. Making sure Scouts is shaped by young people is one of the four goals in The Scouts' Skills for Life strategy, and (we think) it's the most important one. When Scouts is Youth Shaped, we're more inclusive, we retain and welcome more young people, and we have a greater impact in our communities.

What should I do to make Scouts youth shaped?

Exactly what 'youth shaped Scouts' looks like can vary a lot between different Groups and Districts, so it's often difficult to know how to get started. The good news is, you're probably pretty youth shaped already. Have you had a log chew with your Beaver Colony? Supported a Young Leader to run a Troop meeting? Recruited a Scout Network member to join your Trustee Board? They're all examples of Scouts being youth shaped.

How do I know when we've achieved 'Youth Shaped'?

Like all of the goals in the Skills for Life strategy, 'Youth Shaped' is ongoing. You can do all sorts of things to make Scouts in your area even more youth shaped, so there are always ways to develop. Your District Youth Lead (they might still be called the District Youth Commissioner) is a great person to go to for help or guidance on how to better include young people in the decision-making process – why not invite them to join you on a meeting night?

My District doesn't have a Youth Lead. Does that mean it's not youth shaped?

Not at all. While it's true that District Youth Leads are a vital part of youth shaped Scouts and it's important to find someone to take on the role, every volunteer can enable young people to shape their adventure. Teamwork makes the dream work.

The County Youth Shaped Team is here to support District Youth Leads and their teams, Lead Volunteers trying to recruit a Youth Lead, and young people in manager or governance roles. They also provide advice and guidance on all things Youth Shaped to volunteers of all kinds throughout the County.

The County Youth Shaped Team

The County Youth Shaped Team works to ensure that young people from 4–25 years old are involved and engaged in decisions that shape their Scout experience locally and to empower young people to have a meaningful voice in planning, implementing, and reviewing their programme.

The team works closely with the County Leadership Team and Trustee Board, as well as supporting District Youth Leads and their teams throughout Kent's 22 Districts.

Our County Youth Shaped Team is led by Amy Childs, our County Youth Lead. Amy is also a member of the Leadership Team and the Trustee Board.

Amy Childs

County Youth Lead

Jake Hawkins

County Youth Shaped Team

Darcey Holmes

County Youth Shaped Team

Brandon Johns

County Youth Shaped Team

Jools Elliott

County Adviser - Youth Shaped

Scout logo

Youth sections

4-5 years

6-8 years

8-10½ years

10½-14 years

14-18 years

18-25 years

Contact us

Kent County Scout Council
Kent Scouts Activity Centre
Lower Grange Farm
Grange Lane
Maidstone, Kent
ME14 3DA

Telephone: 01622 397070
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
