Cubs Challenge Badge 2025
The idea is that this challenge should be spread across the whole
year to compliment and sit alongside your programme; it contains things
that you are likely already doing and things that can be grouped
These activities will also tick off criteria for many other badges and Challenges so be sure to cross-reference and earn as many as you can
The activities should be completed as part of the Pack programme but not every Cub needs to be present for every activity for it to count – similarly a Cub who joins part way through the year should not be excluded as long as they have taken part in some activities before the badge is finished. It is earned as a team.
There are three badges with different borders so you can choose a colour for every challenge year. The order form will be available soon.
Complete 10 things from this list:
- Visit somewhere you can learn about history, such as a castle, museum etc
- Make something to have a positive impact on the environment e.g. a bug hotel, bird feeder
- Try a new adventurous activity
- Take part in a Pack Forum
- Attend a County or District event
- Write about an event or activity and send it to the Kent Cub Team
- Learn a new skill
- Assist a local charity
- Take part in 2 different hikes
- Take part in an international themed activity
- Try out a water activity
- Build a recycled model
- Learn to sign the Scout Promise
- Link up with another Cub Pack for an activity
- Take part in a fundraising event – Sleep out for Shelterbox, sponsored run, Cake sale for your Group
- Take part in a sleepover or night away
- Learn or practice your First Aid skills
- Decorate a pebble and leave it for someone to find
- Design a flag for your Pack
- Build a shelter