Meet the new County Network team!
30th November 2023
Kent Scouts are excited to announce our new leadership team to take forward Network in the County!
Alistair Sutton and Abi Parness are jointly taking on the role a will soon be announcing their exciting plans for 18-25 year olds across the county!
“I went to my first evening at Beavers with 11th Folkestone Scout Group back in 2005. I was always a bubbling ball of energy growing up and leaders helped me channel this into learning the Scouting skills I have today. Learning how to tie different knots, build fires and navigate our way through the wilderness with nothing but a compass and map - no mobile phones required, what a novelty! I stayed with 11th Folkestone throughout, moving up through the sections, and at 18 I became the Assistant Group Scout Leader within the my Group. I have been part of a district development committee and appointment approval committee within the district which have helped me understand my roles and support new leaders who are joining the scouting movement. I am encouraged to see how we can continue to grow the County Network Section to continue its supportive role in helping younger leaders transition into their new volunteer role as well as be a space for young adults to come together and collaborate in a safe space with their peers to continue keeping that passion for scouting alive.” - Alistair
“My Scouting journey started when I was in Guiding, I was invited to go camping with 1st Deal Scout Group as my mum was a beaver Scout Leader and was invited to help my brother gain nights away, after that camp and meeting some people I now know shaped me to be a scouting obsessed adult, I joined the newly formed explorer unit in my village, I volunteered as a young leader at Beavers and also as a brownie guide young leader until I was 18 and became full adult leaders, I also took on being an assistant scout leader at 1st Deal and assistant explorer scout leader at the unit I was part of due to needing more leaders. I have been a Beaver leader since 2015, I left 1st Deal in 2022 after 7 years and three lockdowns. Back in 2021 I joined the County Beaver team and have never looked back, I now help to cover their Social media and when there are events I'll do whatever Debby and Jenn need to help it run smoothly.” - Abi
We are sure you will all wish them well in their new roles and will support them as they take on the challenge that is Network!