Training and assessment
The primary objective is to give our members the confidence and skills and where required the correct qualifications to take young people on Adventurous Activites.
Kent Scouts want young people to have wonderful outdoor experiences taking part in adventures that are safe and well managed.
To this end we offer a range of training courses and permit assessments across the majority of Scout Adventurous Activities.
Where Kent Scouts do not have the ability to train or assess we are able to work in Partnership with other Scout Counties and External Agencies to ensure your personal requirements are met.
As ever if you have any questions relating to Adventurous Activity Training or Assessment then please contact the Outdoor Adventures Team.
Training Support
If you are training towards a Permit and the training is delivered in Kent by Kent Scouts or in agreement with Kent Scouts you should not pay, under normal circumstance, any more than £15.00 for a training session (in many cases less or FREE).
If you are training towards a Permit and the training is delivered outside Kent by Kent Scouts or in agreement with Kent Scouts you should not pay more than £60.00 for a training session (in many cases less).
If you are being Assessed for a Permit by a Kent Scout Assessor or in agreement with Kent Scouts the Assesment is usually FREE of charge (Assessment expenses may be covered subject to pre assessment agreement).
If you are training towards an NGB award then please speak to us as we may be able to offer a grant payment.
In addition to Kent Scouts support for Permit Training
and Assessment you can claim up to 50% of your costs from The Scout
Association. This route for funding will greatly help those who attend
Permit Training using a National Scout Centre or another County Training
Team. This funding stream is not available for NGB award.
There is grant funding available for NGB awards if taken as part of Assessor requirements (speak to us for advice and guidance)